ESG factors affect a company’s risk profile and long-term performance. Generally, renewable energy is considered a positive factor within the ESG framework because of the significant environmental and social benefits it provides. But what exactly is ESG? And what is its connection to renewable energy?

ESG is a regular item on the agenda for more and more companies. This is because ESG guidelines help companies manage risk, attract investment and gain competitive advantages. It also helps companies adapt to an ever-changing business environment that places increasing emphasis on sustainability and responsibility. Companies are learning to look beyond financial profit and focus on creating value for all stakeholders, including society and the environment.

In this blog, we answer the questions, “What is ESG?” and “What is its connection to renewable energy? ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. We are happy to explain these factors of ESG to you:

Do you want your innovation to make it easier to meet ESG targets? Would you like to develop your idea in collaboration with Beeliners? We would love to help you! Feel free to drop by for a cup of coffee and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

Why is ESG important?

ESG is important because it encourages companies and organisations to look beyond financial profit. ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance and lets companies focus on sustainability, ethics and creating added value for stakeholders. It contributes to more responsible and sustainable business practices and helps address global challenges such as climate change, poverty and inequality.

There are more reasons why ESG is important:

  1. Sustainability and environmental protection: The Environment piece in ESG emphasises the need to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment.
  2. Social responsibility: Social mainly revolves around working conditions, human rights and community engagement.
  3. Risk management: Companies face various environmental and social risks, ranging from regulatory fines for environmental violations to reputational damage from involvement in unethical practices.
  4. Financial performance: There is growing evidence that companies with strong ESG performance achieve financial benefits.
  5. Stakeholder trust: ESG practices help build trust with stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors and regulators.
  6. Long-term thinking: ESG forces companies to think about their long-term impact.
  7. Regulation and compliance: Governments and regulators are imposing increasingly stringent regulations on ESG issues. Companies that proactively comply with these regulations avoid legal and financial risks.


The Environment piece of ESG refers to a company’s impact on the environment and how it deals with environmental issues. These include issues such as climate change, energy consumption, water management, greenhouse gas emissions, waste management and biodiversity. Companies are assessed on their efforts to implement environmentally friendly policies and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydropower and biomass, generally have a much lower environmental impact than fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. The use of renewable energy helps reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants. This is positive for the environment and contributes to climate mitigation. Companies that invest in or use renewable energy often show a strong environmental orientation, which can benefit their ESG score.

> Find out what 6 reasons the Dutch government has for carrying out major national energy projects.

Two hands holding a lightbulb with a tree in it


The S of ESG stands for Social. This has everything to do with how a company deals with social issues and relationships, both inside and outside the company. It includes issues such as diversity and inclusion, working conditions, human rights, labour practices, community engagement and customer relations. Companies are judged on how they contribute to positive social impact and ethical behaviour.

Sustainable energy projects can have a positive social impact by creating jobs in the continuously innovating energy industry and promoting economic development in communities where these projects are implemented. Moreover, they can help reduce the health risks associated with fossil fuel pollution, promoting social health and well-being.


Governance is about the structure and practices of a company’s governance. It includes aspects such as board composition, independence of directors, remuneration policies, transparency, anti-corruption policies and financial reporting. Good governance ensures accountability, fairness and transparency in a company’s decision-making.

Companies involved in the renewable energy industry must maintain good governance and transparency to build trust with investors, regulators and other stakeholders. This includes complying with regulations related to energy production, securing financing for projects and ensuring efficient operations.

Sustainable energy

Innovating is a profession. That is why it is important to have sufficient knowledge and skills to actually innovate. You need to know how to proceed after a brainstorming session without getting stuck.

Generally, renewable energy is considered a positive factor within the ESG framework because of the significant environmental and social benefits it provides. Investors and companies with strong ESG goals often show interest in renewable energy as a way to realise both financial returns and a positive social, and environmental impact.

Working on your ESG-innovation together with Beeliners

Do you have a good idea for a product, service, process or technological innovation that makes it easier to achieve ESG goals? And would you like to develop your idea in collaboration with Beeliners? We would love to help you! Feel free to drop by for a cup of coffee and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

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