Did you know that a bee always instinctively takes the shortest route to the hive?
We do too: we get to the point quickly and we like efficient and simple solutions. We take the shortest and best route to success. We do this based on models, structures and knowledge, but also with intuition and feeling.
We are down-to-earth and do not like bells and whistles. We mainly look at existing and proven technologies, because we are not going to reinvent the wheel. But we do make sure that our wheels are just that little bit more efficient, more advanced and better. That is why we do not rule out experimental paths with new technologies. But we make sure we don’t lose ourselves in them: we always investigate the bottleneck first, to avoid wasting time and money.

Our vision
Innovation always starts with ideas. We get these from our clients and their target groups. The art is to translate those ideas into practical concepts, which we eventually shape into a product that the market demands. And we understand that art.
We go through the process from idea to product quickly and efficiently. We do this by using the available technology to nurture new products, which we can eventually “harvest. Compare it to a fruit tree that you give good nutrition, in the sense of water, fertilization and sufficient light. If you provide good nutrition, you will reap the benefits later.
What we stand for
It’s all about your idea
We help you turn your idea into a tangible and successful product. You remain the owner of the idea.
We continue to amaze
We raise the bar a little higher every day. Creativity is a must to innovate and staying realistic is a prerequisite. With that in mind, we go the extra mile with every project.
Certainty above all else
Every process starts with uncertainties. We eliminate them as quickly as possible. That’s why we identify, investigate, validate and eliminate them together. That way you always know where you stand.
We want to know what your problem is and what you are up against. We get the answers through open and personal conversations, forgetting about processes and structures for a moment. We want to be close to you and understand you. Only then can we find the best solution together.

Innovating in partnership with Beeliners
If you choose to work with Beeliners to turn your idea into reality, we will work together on your innovation. Do you still have questions or would you like to explore the possibilities? Then contact us without obligation.

“Together we turn your idea into reality”
Dennis Wissink – Commercial director/co-owner
We would love to get in touch with you. An initial conversation is always non-binding.
or call 085 1305 492